Faculty Directory

faculty directory
C. Brad Shuster

C. Brad Shuster Ph.D.

Professor and Department Head; Co-Director, G-RISE at NMSU

Cell & Developmental Biology

Phone: 575-646-7366
Email: cshuster@nmsu.edu
Office: FH 463
Website: The Shuster Lab 

Donovan Bailey

Donovan Bailey Ph.D.

Professor and Associate Department Head
Plant Systematics

Phone: 575-646-7012
Email: dbailey@nmsu.edu
Office: FH 261
Website: Bailey Lab Webpage

William Boecklen

William Boecklen Ph.D.

Distinguished Achievement Professor
Population & Community Ecology

Phone: 575-646-5770
Email: wboeckle@nmsu.edu
Office: FH 206
Website: The Boecklen Lab

Dr. Maria Castillo

Maria Castillo Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Phone: 575-646-7664
Email: mcastill@nmsu.edu
Office: FH 379
Website: The Castillo Lab


Jovani Catalan-Dibene Ph.D.

College Assistant Professor, Advisor


Email: jcatalan@nmsu.edu

Office: FH 204A 


Alina Corcoran Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Algal Ecology

Phone: 575-646-3228
Email: acor@nmsu.edu
Office: FH 377
Website: Corcoran lab

Jennifer Curtiss

Jennifer Curtiss Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Cell & Developmental Biology

Phone: 575-646-5611
Email: curtij01@nmsu.edu
Office: FH 467

Kathryn Hanley

Kathryn Hanley Ph.D.

Regents Professor
Virus Evolutionary Ecology

Phone: 575-646-4583
Email: khanley@nmsu.edu
Office: FH 479
Website: The Hanley Virus Lab

Immo Hansen

Immo Hansen Ph.D.

Molecular Vector Biology

Phone: 575-646-7719
Email: immoh@nmsu.edu
Office: FH 263
Website: The Hansen lab

Peter Houde

Peter Houde Ph.D.

Avian Systematics

Phone: 575-646-6019
Email: phoude@nmsu.edu
Office: FH 259
Website: The Houde Lab

Avis James

Avis James Ph.D.

College Professor, Faculty Advisor

Phone: 575-646-5471
Email: avis@nmsu.edu
Office: FH 204B

Website: Avis James


Jacob Jaszczak Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Developmental Neurobiology, Sensory Biology, Behavioral Genetics

Phone: 575-646-4003
Email: jaszczak@nmsu.edu

Office: FH 367

Website: Jaszczak lab


Karen Mabry

Karen Mabry Ph.D.

Ecology and Animal Behavior

Phone: 575-646-2633
Email: kmabry@nmsu.edu
Office: FH 361
Website: The Mabry Lab

Brook Milligan

Brook Milligan Ph.D.

Evolutionary Genetics

Phone: 575-646-7980
Email: brook@nmsu.edu
Office: FH 302

Teri Orr

Teri Orr Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Research: Physiological Ecology, Behavioral Ecology, Mammalogy

Phone: 575-646-3111
Email: TeriOrr@nmsu.edu
Office: FH 203
Lab: FH 201
Website: The Orr BEBOP (Behavioral Ecology and Bat Organismal Physiology) Lab


Adriana L. Romero-Olivares Ph.D.

Assistant Professor (she/her)
Department of Biology at NMSU

Phone: 575-646-3265
Email: alro@nmsu.edu
Website: www.fungiloverlab.com

Elba Serrano

Elba Serrano Ph.D.

Regents Professor
Director of NSF HUB, Associate Director NIH BRAiN
Neuroscience, Biophysics, Science and Ethics

Phone: 575-646-5217
Email: serrano@nmsu.edu
Office: FH 459
Website: The Serrano Lab


Michèle Shuster Ph.D.

Professor and Associate Dean for Research, College of Arts and Sciences


Biology Education

Phone: 575-646-3916
Email: mshuster@nmsu.edu
Office: FH 359

Websites: Michèle Shuster

Science tools in the classroom (STC)

Geoffery Smith

Geoffery Smith Ph.D.

Environmental Microbiology

Phone: 575-646-6080
Email: gsmith@nmsu.edu
Office: FH 363

Graciela Unguez

Graciela Unguez Ph.D.

Regents Professor
Director, U-RISE at NMSU; Director, Partnership for the Advancement of Cancer Research
Neuromuscular physiology, Developmental Neurobiology

Phone: 575-646-7963
Email: gunguez@nmsu.edu
Office: FH 461
Website: The Unguez Lab

Tim Wright

Tim Wright Ph.D.

Professor and Graduate Program Director; Director, Avian Migration Program
Animal Behavior & Evolution

Phone: 575-646-1136
Email: wright@nmsu.edu
Office: FH 310
Website: The Wright Lab

Jiannong (John) Xu

Jiannong (John) Xu Ph.D.


Phone: 575-646-7713
Email: jxu@nmsu.edu
Office: FH 469
Website: The Xu Lab